Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Having Support

I've been talking with a friend about marital issues. She has the same marital issues come up that I sometimes do. So I suggested getting some books to read and finding an online support group. She's working on it. She doesn't know it, but she actually got me started with online support groups. She hooked me up with the best knitting support family out there, . My whole world has grown since I was introduced to it. If someone is into any kind of yarn is a must to get hooked up with!!!

I have another online support group that is awesome. It's . We Have Lupus is great on so many levels. First, the moderators of the board, who have been dealing with Lupus for years, are more knowledgeable than most doctors. They freely give out their wisdom, and don't seem to mind repeating themselves to all of the new comers that show up on the board daily.

Second, these same attentive moderators don't criticize anyone for whining. In our real lives, we are all afraid to complain too much. We are afraid that our friends and loved ones will get tired of hearing the same complaints day after day. So it's lovely to have a place to whine, bitch, cry and rant freely. Everyone can, and everyone understands the need, and everyone understands the ailments.

Third, it's great for an exchange of ideas. Since we are all working towards the same goals, we are all trying stuff out. And it's nice to get a new influx of options. I got excited because this gives me a place to try and be helpful to other people. Instead of just feeling needy. This is good, because God knows that my knowledge on this condition isn't enough to help anyone yet!!!

Fourth, they offer support to family and friends of Lupie people. Which is nice if I have friend or say a daughter who just doesn't quite get the condition......I have a place to send her to get all the answers that I either don't know, or can't remember!!!

But I have to say, no matter how cool the online communities are......they can't even compare to how great it is to be supported by the people I love. And I mean that for the Knitting as well as the Lupus!!!! I love you guys!!!

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