Friday, January 30, 2009

Beyond the Fringe

Beyond the Fringe is the art show I'm participating in along with 12 other wonderful fiber arts. It's going to open in Taos during the first week of April. It's been serious crunch time....Feb. 1st, is the deadline to show some progess.....preferrably a finished piece, but I don't have one. So I'll submit what I do have. And the Artist's Art Blurb....I have to write that tonight!!

The first piece is titled "Whitney", she's about 75% complete. I'm in the middle of constructing her frame which will give her another, new exciting element...and the finishing touch she needs. For me, she is the spirit dancer who symbolizes the Goddess of Beauty. And the ability to find and surround ones self in beauty throughout the chaotic and crumbling universe.

This one is titled "Helen", and she is about 25% complete. I feel I am just beginning to paint the canvas I've made, and there is so much more about to come to life here. This spirit dancer symbolizes the Goddess of the Garden. She has an outer glow, a shine that radiates outwardly...that makes all living things gravitate to the loving energy. Her touch encourages things to flourish. The plants speak to her, conversing about the magic of the universe.


Lupie said...

WOW! You are an amazing fiber artist. Do you have a website for your work?
I have a group on Ravelry I woulld like you to join. The Lessern Know Skeins. I will send you an invite.

Fran said...

Your work is beautiful! How was the show?