Saturday, January 9, 2010

Featured Artist - Janet Morton

Janet Morton is another one of my favorites! She is a visual artist from Canada, and I like Canadian things in general, but Janet really stands apart!! She is largely, but not exclusively a fiber artist. I have to thank Sarah for introducing me to her work. I feel we are kindred spirits, and I've completely enjoyed the experience of studying her. Other people have written much better articles about her, so I'll just link to more information, and a comprehensive body of her work. So please, when you have time, it is completely worthwhile to spend some time with her art!! Here is just a tiny sampling of my absolute favs. (sorry, I seemed to have listed everything backwards chronologically)
Early Frost - 2004 The scale and scope of this is mind blowing. And this is small compared to the bigger picture of what she does!!

Early Frost details upclose

Tending - 2003 This one does something to my blood. This is my top favorite from Janet, for sure!!!

A more detailed pic. of Tending.

I love the details.

Woolen Tree - 2000 This just makes me crazy giddy with inspiration....I love this.

Cozy - 1999 (made from 800 recycled sweaters) A social commentary on homelessness. Funny, cuz it looks alot like my house!!
Sweater Bike - 1994 Ok, you just have to admit that there is something here tickling every knitters funny bone!!

1 comment:

Lupie said...

Just amazing! Thank you for introducing me to this artist. I hope she shows in NYC someday.