Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fiber Arts Fiesta

I missed the entry deadline myself, but Twilight was on top of things and got into this Bi-annual Fiber Arts show in Albuquerque!! So off we went! We never really got lost on the way persay, but somehow it did take us over an hour to find it, LOL. After much running around, we found where Twi's piece, her Triple Moon Goddesses, was being displayed. See how she looks so cool and very pleased with herself?? Wait for it.....

This was taken 5 minutes later, after much hysterical laughter and crying!!

She won the 2nd prize ribbon (and a check for $10) in her catagory. Oddly enough, the embroidery catagory. Just say "huh".

There were 100's of artists and vendors, and 100's of the most amazing works of art. I couldn't possibly describe or post the magnitude of the fiesta. So here I have picked 3 out of my favorite pieces.

The largest catagory by far was for quilting, and OMG, what they can do with fabric!!!

This one is a combination of paper and yarn. I LOVE it!!! Now I can't wait to play with some paper myself!!

I have never been a huge fan of buttons in work, but here it really works. I have changed my view!! Love the coloring and shapes in this piece. Very Southwest, but not typical at all!!

We left the Fiesta inspired and excited and exhausted!! We came home starving to make art, to get elbow deep in fibers and cloth and begin something new!! The whole weekend, although exhausting, was ultimately exhilerating...like artistic electricity.

1 comment:

Lupie said...

What a great collection of fiber art work. Too bad they didn't get to see your beautiful work.