Saturday, February 27, 2010

Prolonging Life

My husband is the worst for wearing out socks!! I've never even heard about someone else being so hard on socks!! He's really good about wearing his handknit socks in the house, and his other ones for work.

My Grandmother taught me how to darn socks...the right way. I can do it, but man, it really takes a long tedious time to do it right. And I've darned some well worn handmade ones, but I refuse to put that amount of time and effort into store bought ones!! So I cheat!!
This candle holder is my sock darning tool. My Grandma had a really cool wooden ball with a handle. I sure wish I'd inherited that.

So here's my cheat, I cut out pieces of an old recycled sweater to make sock patches!! It works! At least until he wears through the patches. I have a rule...once he's worn through two sets of patches...I give up and I'll give in to buy some new ones!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Broken Guitar Strings

Often when I'm working on something, I will be struck with the thought that I need something. Maybe it's a tool, or an implement, or a doo-dad, or a garnishment...most of the time I have no idea what it is. So I start rummaging through my studio shelves, boxes, and bins. And when I can't find it there, I take my search into the yurt. A little mantra begins in my brain, "I need something...some...thing..." and I will stand in one spot and rotate around and around carefully looking everything over. What I'm hoping is that I will either see the thing I need or I'll see the thing that will inpire me to know what I need.

If I still haven't found it, I begin to wander. All too often, this walk will take me through the kitchen, where I happen across the cookie that I didn't know I needed!!! But it helps me look! Sometimes this walk carries me outside, wandering through my yard, and through the tool shed, and up the hill to old abandoned piles of junk. As a child, this same phenomena kept me busy for hours lost in my Grandmother's attic boxes of old jewelry, curtains, and decades of collected cool stuff. Later I turned the curtains into funkadelic clothes, and the beads became new jewlery suitable for 80's fashion.

Ok, so here's what happened. I was totally in the middle of one of these moments awhile ago. But as soon as I stepped into the yurt, I saw it laying on the floor!! A broken guitar string! I picked it up, played with it in my hands and declared excitedly "this is it!!". I love being married to a musician!! "I need more of these!" I said desperately. Daniel looked up at me, he was debating whether or not he was going to ask...he must have decided against it, because he didn't ask.
I dug through all of his music junk and found a handful of them. Each one beautifully unique. A broken guitar string, that has been played and tuned past it's point of endurance is something to be reckoned with. It is stubborn, sharp, and completely impossible to discipline. They remind me of a slinky I had as a kid, that I abused to the point it resembled a tangled sculpture. I began a new love affair. "You must have more" I lamented. Afterall, he has a guitar, a banjo, a dulcimer, a strumstick, and a tenor guitar!! He said that he had some old Mandolin strings that I could have (he sold his beautiful mandolin years ago to help fund our move to New Mexico). I explained that new strings just weren't the same! They don't have the personality I need! A new string is just a piece of wire!

My beloved husband looked me sternly in the eye and said that he absolutely would NOT break his strings intentionally for me!! "Of course not!" I replied, "I would never ask you to do that". But just between you and me...secretly...I was a breath away from begging him to do just that very thing!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Koolhass Hat

My future sister-in-law, Sarah, sent me these pictures of Nathan, my brother-in-law...with his Koolhass Hat on!! She says he wears it all the time to keep his hair out of his eyes!!
It's so great to find out that someone really loves something you made for them! I warned him when I mailed it, that he may run into others like it because of the massive popularity of the pattern...and sure enough!! He ran into two others within the first week he had it!! Isn't that fantastic??!! Nathan and Sarah live up North in Wisconsin.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lupus & Art

So here I am, with the last preview pics I'm going to show until she's completely done. Now I'm down to all fine finishing...Oh Prednisone, why do I loathe thee?? Let me count the ways!!! My biggest complaint of the day is having the shakes!! I'm trying to sew, alot!! And bead broken pieces of guitar string!! And paint the tips of toothpicks!! I am bleeding from multiple hand wounds...some from trying thread my needle...some from trying to sew...every finger has been pricked like a pincushion and somehow even my wrists look like I might have mental issues!! But all in all, it's just adding to my determination!! I feel my will becoming steely as push to overcome and make these pieces the best ever.
As for the serious side of my Lupus, my platelete count is holding at 106, 000. I'm not showing any signs of improvement, but not getting worse either. I have a big decision to make regarding my treatment plan, but so far I'm riding the wave to see where I land. Besides the unpleasant side effects of the medication: blurry vision, indigestion, shakes, exhaustion, bloating, and insomnia....I feel great!!! Really, I mean it!!

Monday, February 15, 2010


LOL, Iknow what I said about knitting for me....BUT I started these in '09, and didn't finish them until today! In fact I'm weaving in the ends right after I right this post!! These are for my Youngest daughter, who thankfully is understanding about holiday deadlines! So here is the first pair of handwarmers in 2010. Yea! This yarn is Panda Silk from Crstyal Palace. I love this silk/bamboo mix, it's so shiny and slinky....awesome drape and spring to it, but not too slippery on the needles and it's perfect for my girl who is allergic to wool.

People have been asking about my patterns, so I have to tell you about my method. I have made sooooo many pairs of Knucks from Knitty, that I have the hand part memorized. Then I just do the arm and cuff in random lace or cable patterns as the mood strikes me. This keeps it from getting boring. This lace pattern came out of the Fall 2009 issue of Knitscene from the issues handwarmers.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

New Used Truck

As our close friends know...when D and I left home last month...we were hitching a ride to Santa Fe because yet another car wasn't mobile. Sigh!! I did a count, and I've had a crappy car for every year that I've been driving!! (that's getting to be alot of cars) My husband doesn't believe in buying things on credit....which means no car payments. Now, technically I share this belief, but it's been seriously challenged for the last few years while I've spent almost as much time without a running car as I have with one!!

So while we were in Santa Fe, we picked up a new 4-wheel drive pickup. A mid sized 1996 Ford Ranger. I'm calling her "Trixie". I really really like this one, and it's probably the prettiest car I've owned to date. So everyone keep your fingers crossed for me that this one lasts for a little while!! Thanks!!